This is the first time I am writing in a long time - I am not sure why - well one would be I could not access this site for a while -
I have finally got enough of my shit together to have something to write about aswell, so here we go...
Here we are just a couple of weeks away from Christmas and I am as good as I have been in a while but I cant help but think I could be doing much better. The holidays have always been my favorite time of year - with all the joy and the giving and the cooking and family being around - this year is a bit different though, most of the family I usually spend this time with (my son in particular) is not here this year he is off doing his own things and I am very proud of him for that but, it doesnt make me want to spend this time away from him.
Its all good though I have my friends and my mom and I also have a great family all around me so life is good. I plan to make new friends and keep in touch with old ones more this year and in the coming year - is it weird that I already have a new years resolution? Well it is me and thats where I am at right now - all optimistic and shit - lol
I am in a better place than I was a year ago and I will be in a better spot in a year from now so as far as I am concerned its all good.
Thanks for listening
Doris Belbusti