What is love? Does anybody really know? I thought that I did many years ago, but I am not sure anymore.
Lust is one of the seven deadly sins for a reason, it is not necessarily a bad emotion, just misunderstood. There needs to be a certain amount of lust for any relationship to be fully functional.
Loneliness on the other hand has been a friend of mine for a long time now. Even when I am with people that I care about I still feel a deep loneliness that resonates through me.
If it were not for these 3 emotions life would be boring and a whole lot less complicated.
You can love someone and have no lust for them, any relationship like this is not going to stand very long, you will look for lust somewhere else and any bond you did have will be gone.
You can certainly have lust with no love - I know this feeling very well - but again this is kind of an empty feeling - that eventually leads to loneliness.
The trick to life is to find a balance of these three feelings. Some loneliness is appropriate, to reflect on the relationships with the people in your life and to make sure they are healthy. Lust must be there for any attraction to start or build a relationship. Finally love - love is an odd emotion because it comes and goes over time - which we are taught it is not supposed to do - we are told from day one that love is everlasting. Some is - like the love of a mother or a father, but true love between two people, I am not sure it is supposed to last forever.
One other thing that I am not sure of at this moment is: is everyone capable of love? I am not sure that life's lessons do not weigh too heavy on the heart sometimes for us to be capable of that first feeling of love.
I actually have been pondering this for a while and am not sure that I am capable of love in that sense. I care for people and worry about their well-being but that is not the same as being "in love".
I am pretty sure that I know how it feels to be in love but I don not know if I have ever felt it - does that make sense? I have had fleeting moments where I thought it was possible, but that never lasts very long and I end up feeling very defeated.
These are just my thoughts so take them for what they are worth - I am just a chick trying to figure out where to be
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