Thursday, December 16, 2010

No one

No one really knows me - is that my fault?

I am sure that it is at least partly my fault,  I do have alot of walls built up, but they came from somewhere, there had to be a reason they were put up. The fact that they have not always been there means there should be someone who knew me before they were there.

I know my self better then people give me credit for  I have done much soul searching in my life and have learned a great deal about myself and how others perceive me and how I see others. I may not see people for who they are sometimes and I do trust too much but not out of naivety, this is out of my complete faith that most people are good at their core. If I happen to run into a few that are not, that is fine as long as the good out weigh the bad.

It just bothers me that even the people who claim to care about me and be my friends do not take the time to see me for what I am.

I am a normal (somewhat) person who tries to do the right thing, and I hope that most of the time I do, but no one is perfect or without sin.

I am not qualified to judge anyone else and would hope that no one would judge me, especially on mistakes that I have made or decisions that I have made in the past, present or future. I try very hard to follow my heart - although it isn't always clear if that is a good decision either.

All I have left to do is pray and hope that I am going to be alright in my faith and that God will not let me fall any farther then I already have.

I have nothing left except my faith.

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