Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Contentment is great. I think that if we feel good with what we have and are satisfied with the way our life is going that it is a good thing. How many people can say they are?

I think that we are meant to never be complacent, to always strive to be better then we are. Isn't the point of life to see how far we can get and much we can do, isn't this what makes us  get up in the morning? I mean I know we wake up with many other things on our minds : kids, work, bills, and how we are going to get it all done in a mere 24 hours, but have you ever stopped to think why? Why do we do it? Why get up and go to work to pay the bills and take care of our family?

I think and hope that we do it because we are striving to make life better for our children, for our parents, for our spouses and especially for ourselves. We all want our children to have more and better opportunities then we had growing up. Making our kids lives better is in turn making our lives more satisfying. Helping our parents out also makes our lives be more fulfilling.

I have a faith in humanity that some would say is naive, but I believe that at our core most people are good and want to do the right things in life. Life just has a tendency to get away from us sometimes and once we fall off the path it is very difficult to get back to the way we were before life kicked our ass.

Well this is just the way that I think so take it for what it is worth - one girls opinion.

I am hoping to live up to my own expectations and try to make my own life better for my family and for my own good.

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