Thursday, September 23, 2010

Love, lust, relationships - just my thoughts

Here we go my thoughts are kinda out there today.  I have been thinking alot about relationships and how we are supposed to survive and not go insane. The very thought of a relationship right now is terrifying, but you cant really fight things that fall into your lap and make you happy.

I think people get lust confused with love very often, and this is a bad thing because it ends up hurting both people in the end no matter who is the one that is confused. Love is whole other plane of existence, its something that no one can define but everybody tries. I am starting to think that it is going to elude me for the rest of my life, but I am actually ok with that, at least for now. Yes I still get lonely sometimes but if that's how it has to be for now then that's how it will be.

I am actually one of the few people who does not get confused very easily. I can separate the physical from the emotional.  This gives me a small advantage over some people who might want to hurt me. It also makes me seem a little cold, but well, if that's what it takes to keep my self sane then they will have to deal.

I think love is something that you need to earn and I just haven't yet. Maybe I never will but that's ok I am going to be ok - alone or part of a unit.

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