Monday, August 16, 2010

People -

I don't know sometimes what the hell people are thinking - but do I have to know?  I mean if what someone else is doing or saying isn't directly impacting my life does it really matter to me either way?
The fact that I even think about it means it has some impact doesn't it?

Its funny how the people we care for the most are the ones who get on our nerves the most as well.  The people we trust the most are the ones who are most likely to betray or hurt us - because we let them in and don't expect it.  The people we are cautious of cant hurt us because we don't let them.
We put up these walls to keep people out and to prevent us from getting hurt but they also keep out the joy and happiness that comes from trusting and loving someone so fully that the thought never occurs to us that they may hurt us because the pure happiness of being with them outweighs any  feeling of doubt that may be there.

The relationships we build through our lives are the hardest things to keep and grow . 

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