Sunday, August 29, 2010


Well another week has come and gone, this would normally be disconcerting for me, but I a starting to think that good things are coming.  I hope that this is not just a delusion that I am feeding myself, but if it is and  it makes me feel better why not?
I have been more then impressed with the way people have reacted to me lately - I am hoping that this is a sign that I am presenting my self better.
Its like the chicken or the egg - do people react to the way you carry yourself or do you carry yourself the way people react to you? I would like to think that we can look at ourselves in the mirror and present ourselves the way we want  and have people react however they are going to and have it not bother us one way or another, but this is alittle naive, no matter how much we try - we do care about how other people see us  - my hope is that you care more about what you see in the mirror  then what everyone else sees when they look at you.
No matter how hard we try, the way we feel about ourselves shows in the way that we hold ourselves. Some people may call it aura, it may be spiritual, I don't know.  I do know that if you feel good about yourself, people see this and treat you with more respect,  they realize that you respect yourself and that you are capable of independent thoughts.

The way I see it - its a balancing act - be aware of how you present yourself but not so much that you forget who you are. I will try to take my own advice on this one - not sure it will work - but life is trial and error.

1 comment:

  1. So insightful. I agree with the idea of a balancing act. We don't want to worry so much about our "presentation" that we change who we are... but what if that change is actually for the better? And how do we know if it IS for the better, or a face we are putting on? Hmm... these are things I am contemplating as well.
    Love you
